Sunday, October 17, 2010

Key Attributes of Success Include the Law of Attraction

The key attributes of success can be summed up in the following statements! I have a burning passion and desire to succeed. I am persistent in my venture to reach my goals and I use communication skills and strategic goal setting skills to obtain results. I take action and I create my own self discipline. I manage my time extremely well and I persist in stretching myself and others everyday to grow beyond what we are today. I use my selling skills to sell myself and my products. Selling me literally means I have a strong following therefore people readily climb on board with new ventures or changes to improve publicly and privately. I believe in the good and the benefits that our business brings to others. I enjoy the role of quarterback, making plays and executing ideas, I bring a new dynamic to the playing field.

All of these items MUST be in your core drivers for you to succeed in business, as a manager or as a leader. I believe these core drivers are the chemical makeup of who we are. What percentage we use our attributes defines our levels of success as a private citizen and as a leader in the public eye. What would you say if I told you there is one more component to success? This is a vital component to success that most people don’t realize exists or they are blind to the fact that they use it every day of their lives without knowing? I’m talking about the law of attraction!

Every single day, we as humans think! We have the ability to envision and create alternate realities within our own mind, we think therefore we are. What do you spend most of your time thinking about? Have you really listened to your own thoughts? Stop and pay attention to what is really going on in your head and you will begin to realize that what you think about you bring about, literally!

If you are a manager who thinks about how badly your department performs you will get exactly more of what you are thinking about, a bad or under performing department. If you are a manger who see’s that effective change is the only way to succeed and you focus on the changes, training, coaching, mentoring and hiring better qualified candidates to fulfill your business commitments, this will be exactly what you bring about.

To move ahead you cannot dwell on the negatives or think about yesterday and what went wrong. Moving ahead means eyes up, walk straight and pay attention to opportunities. Think positive, act positive and project positive thoughts!  Stay focused on the things you really want, get emotional about it in a positive way.  The more positive energy and emotion you bring to bare on your thoughts, the quicker and easier you will attain what you really desire and what you think about.

People become the sum of their thoughts therefore you are what you think! Do you want to become backwards or poor in thought, poor in money, poor in friends, poor in success? If you do, think poor thoughts and this will be your reality. If you want great things in your life – THINK GREAT THINGS!  See yourself with the end result, over and over and over again. 

When you think you have thought about the end result enough, envision YOU with the WHAT that you WANT and do it all over again and again.  You will need to unlearn what you have been taught as a child.  We were all taught that ALL good things come with hard work and thats absolutely correct, however learn to work smarter, not harder.  Your own thoughts have greater power over your path in life then your physical efforts!

Thoughts are your power to live in misery with more of the same old, same old and thoughts also hold the power to lead you to greatness. The trick is once you have achieved greatness do not let others think for you, their ideas of greatness may not be on the same playing field as your own ideas. This can lead you to second guess direction which could lead to catastrophe. Always project your thoughts to the things you want to happen or items where you want to effect change, do not dwell on the ifs or the woulda, coulda shoulda scenarios because ultimately you will bring about more woulda, coulda shoulda!

The power of positive thinking, the law of attraction and your burning desire to succeed coupled with other key attributes of success can only be realized when you are harnessing these qualities in unison. Practice what you preach and live the life of your positive creative thoughts, leadership by example!


Less is More

As a leader or manager of a department, WHAT you say has an impact on the people you lead. Sometimes the more you try and impress these people with your words the more you may become just a common apparition within the business. The more you speak about common events or non work related topics the less in control you really are.

Only speak when spoken to or when you really have something important to say, do not undermine your authority with trivial banter, you will end up being JUST ONE OF THE EMPLOYEES and your staff may not take you seriously when what you say really counts. The more you speak the more likely you will stick your foot in your mouth and say something out of place or something that makes you look foolish.

Powerful leaders or managers lead by saying less and and doing more in the background, things that can be seen and not heard. When leading or managing – less is more!
