Saturday, August 21, 2010

Customer Fears

Did you know that as human beings, no matter where we go we unconsciously form opinions about people, places and institutions? The average person assesses and gauges approximately 11 items when they come into any facility, be it a restaurant or a car dealership. They typically assess the facility and the people they meet. These impressions are generally made in the first 7 to 20 seconds. These impressions are based on the following criteria:

1. Cleanliness – Is the facility clean and bright?
2. Is the first person I meet friendly?
3. Are the employees confident?
4. Are the employees courteous?
5. Are the employees Responsive?
6. Are the employees well groomed?
7. Are the employees Sincere?
8. Are the employees Knowledgeable?
9. Are the employee’s patient?
10. Are the employees Empathetic?
11. Do the facility and its employees exude professionalism?

Concentrating on the items listed above will help in automatically stimulate a positive impression from your customers which leads to more repeat customers and more sales.

Customers fear the following when bringing the second most expensive items they own in for service. Customer fears are:

1. Having a preconceived notion of getting ripped off or of not receiving value.
2. Their special needs, wants or requirements will not be fulfilled.
3. Rude or unprofessional treatment.
4. Their vehicle will not be returned in a timely fashion.
5. The service waiting area and offices will be disorganized and dirty.

What are changing in your service department to stimulate a positive impression from your customers, how will you create an exceptional service experience to keep your customers coming back?


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