Sunday, September 12, 2010

Great Leaders Communicate & Set Deadlines

What sets the tone of becoming a great leader rather than a good leader is the fact that great leaders communicate with their employees on a daily basis.

A great leader will give the straight goods, good or bad. Employees will begin to realize that they always know where they stand in the grand scheme of things. Employees will appreciate the fact that management doesn’t leave them stranded for knowledge.

A great leader will ALWAYS let the team know the score at every stage of the game. When you manage your employees using this method they will also know that there are no hidden agendas and that everyone is accountable.

Deadlines are a powerful tool to incorporate into your management style. If you need something done from your team or from an individual, set the parameters with deadlines. Continuously challenging your employees to be better and tracking the results creates accountability within the department.

If you make requests of your team or a specific individual and deadlines are imposed you as a manager now have something you can quantify and qualify. In essence if you don’t have deadlines, you only have a hope that a specific task or routine is implemented, however you don’t really know because you don’t have a way to follow through and create accountability.

Without deadlines there is no prioritization and requests will continue to be put off until you instill an accountability method.


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